Re-enactment of John Donne’s Gunpowder Sermon, 1622

Preaching at Paul's Cross

Preaching at Paul’s Cross

On November 5, 1622, the Dean of Saint Paul’s Cathedral, John Donne (the main subject of my novel, Conceit), preached a sermon in St Paul’s yard for Gunpowder Day. A brilliant digital re-creation of this sermon, which includes elaborate models, diagrams, videos, and acoustic files, gives us the amazing opportunity to be part of the large crowd listening to John Donne on this day.

John Donne

John Donne

“Evidence from contemporary accounts suggest that their early modern counterparts were more like theatrical performances, interactive conversations between preacher and congregation, events staged for their entertainment value  . . . in which both preacher and congregation had active roles to play.” Of all the riches on this amazing website, 
this video fly-past of the churchyard, crowd, and buildings is perhaps the most impressive.

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